Often times we are confronted by Jesus with things that are contrary to our modern thinking. For example, “So the last will be first, and the first last” (Matthew 20:16) Modern thinking dictates that we should put ourselves first. Another one that stands out to me is that the world says our faith should be private and personal. Jesus prays in John 17:22-23; “The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” Our faith is to be lived out in community. In these upcoming weeks at The Rock we see that in a couple of important ways:
First, we will gather together as a community in a number of different ways. This Sunday after church is our first summer BBQ. What a great time to share a meal together! It is also a great opportunity to invite someone to church to see how we gather together as a community. On August 25 we are having church at the beach (We will meet at 26th St. in Manhattan Beach). This is a way to bring our community of believers into our local community!
Second, we will have a Baptism Service on August 4 at the Milewski’s home. This is a way for us to gather as a community to witness believers in Jesus proclaiming outwardly what God has done inwardly in their heart. Baptism is done in community. Come support and celebrate what God has done! If anyone would like to be baptized please let me know asap!
I can’t wait to continue to celebrate God’s goodness, love, hope, and grace together throughout the summer!
"And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?" - Acts 8:36
- Pastor Curt
Theological Word of the Week:
Born of Water
A phrase used by Jesus in John 3:5 that refers to the spiritual cleansing from sin that accompanies God’s work of regeneration (cf. Ezekiel 36:25-26)
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology
Upcoming Events
Children's Ministry
This week Rock Kids will be digging into the story of when Moses saw God's holiness, found in Exodus 33-34. The kids will learn the Bible point "God is special, and he has the ability to change us." This passage focuses on God's holiness. We're using a more kid-friendly term for holiness: special. We want to help kids know that God is SO special, that Moses' face glowed just because he spent time with God. And that same special God can meet with and change us!
Sermon Topic - July 14
Genesis: Beginnings
Genesis 2:18-25
“In A Perfect World”
Lectionary Readings
Genesis 25:19-34
Psalm 119:105-112
Romans 8:1-11
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
June 2019 YTD