Last Sunday we did an impromptu Q & A Sermon. So following is happening this Sunday:
Most of us are taught from a young age that we shouldn’t hate. We learn that hate is a harsh word and that we should find other ways to express our dislike for things. So it can be confusing when the Bible talks about hate in a positive way. Paul writes in Romans 12:9; “Hate what is evil…” This is a command. This is how we know our love is genuine. What gives? The idea is that we are to hate the things God hates. Wait, what? God hates things? Yes, He does. Actually, the Bible is full of things God hates. And if we are to genuinely love, we are to hate these same things!
This Sunday we continue our mini-series on Genuine Love by digging deeper into what God hates. And what God loves as good. When we think deeply about these things and apply them to our lives we grow closer to Jesus. Closer to His love. Closer to loving as He has loved us!
After church we will go to Urban Plates for our post-communion meal!
“Hate what is evil; hold fast to what is good” Romans 12:9b
- Pastor Curt
Please take note of ways to gather for Sunday Service at The Rock:
1) We are meeting inside at Manhattan Beach Pre-School for our Sunday Service at 4:30 pm.
2) We will also be live on Facebook Live. CLICK HERE at 4:30 Sunday afternoon.
3) Finally we will provide a video link to the sermon on our website.
Theological Word of The Week:
active obedience
A term referring to Christ’s perfect obedience to God during his earthly life that earned the righteousness that God credits to those who place their faith in Christ.
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology
Upcoming Events
Children's Ministry
Children can join Cameron every Sunday for Bible time during the service. They will go through the Bible story by story.
Sermon Topic - oct. 1
romans: The Gospel Changes perspectives
romans 12:9b
“genuine love Must hate… wait, what?”