Holy Week is a time of preparation and reflection. We prepare our hearts to understand the significance of our Easter Sunday celebration. We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. His victory over death. His power and glory revealed. We also reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for us. He willingly went to the cross on our behalf. That is why Good Friday is good. Jesus accomplished forgiveness of sin for us in His death.

Each day this week we have been reliving Jesus’ final week. On Friday, Jesus begins in the early morning hours with trials before the religious authorities (Matthew 26:57-75) and then Pilate (27:1-31). After being unjustly condemned to death, Jesus was then crucified as a common criminal (Matthew 27:32-56). Finally Jesus was buried in a rich man’s tomb (Matthew 27:57-61). We are left with a feeling of dread and disappointment. Imagine what Jesus’ friends and disciples must have been feeling.

We try and feel what they were feeling on Good Friday. Take time to reflect. Take time to read. If you would like to join a Good Friday service, World Vision is hosting an online Good Friday Event at 2:00 pm PST with many godly musicians and speakers. Click here to join.

Then join us on Easter Sunday at 10:00 am on Zoom using the invite HERE (or Zoom meeting invite 551-112-403) for our full Sunday Service!

"This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses.” - Acts 2:32

- Pastor Curt

Theological Word of the Week:


A rising from the dead into a new kind of life not subject to sickness, aging, deterioration, or death.

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

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Sermon Topic - April 12

(Click here for Invite above to Zoom Church)

Acts: A Holy Spirit Inspired Legacy

Acts 2:22-32

“He is Risen Indeed!”

2020 YTD