Romans is supposedly about “good news.” After all, some of the Apostle Paul’s first words in the letter are; “For I am not ashamed of the gospel (good news), for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” (Rom. 1:16a) But all we have heard in Rom. 1:18-3:20 are descriptions of God’s wrath, human sin, and a final declaration from God to humankind that everyone is “under sin.” In other words, all humans stand “guilty” before God apart from Jesus. At the end of Rom. 3:20, the human race is left without hope, apart from God, and with our mouths closed (Rom. 3:19) because we have no defense to God’s accusations. Where is the good news???

The good news begins in Rom. 3:21 with the resounding, “But now…” God is turning the page from sin & death to grace & life. God is moving from the hopelessness of human works to the beautiful truths of God’s work for us! The rest of Romans 3 is a turn in human history. There is now hope: Jesus has come, God’s wrath has been satisfied, and human beings who believe in Jesus are declared, “righteous (or right with God)!”

This Sunday we will personalize some of the greatest theological truths of Christianity. These truths give us joy, hope, and peace. Understanding these truths is life-changing! Come and celebrate God’s work in our lives!

“But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law…” Romans 3:21a

- Pastor Curt

Please take note of ways to gather for Sunday Service at The Rock:

1) We are meeting outside at Manhattan Beach Pre-School for our Sunday Service at 4:30 pm. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and Bibles!

2) We will also be live on Facebook Live. If you don’t feel comfortable joining us in person, are feeling sick, or have been exposed to someone who is sick stay connected through this live-stream - CLICK HERE at 4:30 Sunday afternoon.

3) Finally we will provide a video link to the sermon on our website.

Theological Word of The Week:


A sacrifice that bears God’s wrath to the end and in so doing changes God’s wrath toward us into favor.

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Upcoming Events

Children's Ministry

Children can join Cameron every Sunday for Bible time during the service. They will go through the Bible story by story.

Sermon Topic - August 21

Romans: The Gospel Changes Perspectives

Romans 3:21-31

“Now What?!”

A21-M22 Fiscal YTD