Peace… True peace. What a wonderful sounding concept right now! In a confusing, divided, and quarreling world we desperately need peace. I look forward to Heather Buchta preaching this Sunday about the peace of God. True peace. We need to hear it. We need to live it. We need to pass it on.

We will also take communion this Sunday. What a privilege it is to be able to meet together safely outside and to take communion together. I do not want to lose my appreciation that we can actually be together. Let’s gather with full hearts to worship God, commune with one another, and hear about God’s peace.

It was also great to see all our families with young children last Sunday. Huge shout out to brave parents who made it happen. We appreciate you and your children! This Sunday Cameron is preparing packets for your kids to work on during the sermon time. It is a joy to see kids gathering with us!

We are meeting outside at Manhattan Beach Pre-School for our Sunday Service at 4:30 pm. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, masks and Bibles! For a complete copy of our guidelines for re-opening CLICK HERE.

We will also be live on Zoom. If you don’t feel comfortable joining us in person, are feeling sick, or have been exposed to someone who is sick stay connected through Zoom - CLICK HERE at 4:30 Sunday afternoon.

Finally we will provide a video link to the sermon. I will send out an email Monday morning with the sermon link attached.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:6-7

- Pastor Curt

Theological Word of the Week:

Peace (again)

The doctrine that God is separate from all confusion and disorder in his being and in his actions, yet he is continually active in innumerable well-ordered, fully controlled, simultaneous actions.

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Upcoming Events

Children's Ministry

Cameron is preparing Kid’s packets for our live, outdoor services! They will be available starting this Sunday!


Sermon Topic - August 2

Heather Buchta

Philippians 4:4-7

“Peace vs. Peace”

2020 YTD