It amazes me how the Bible interacts with itself - meaning, how the Bible is internally connected in many supernatural ways. God has not given us a bunch of disconnected, trivial facts. God has given us His very Word that is connected, consistent, and cogent. We have seen many of these connections in the book of Acts in our weekly sermon series. We have seen connections to the Old Testament in fulfilled prophecies. We have seen connections to Christianity and Old Testament Judaism. We have seen connections to God’s love for people in the image bearing creation and His design for the gospel to go to all people groups regardless of race and ethnicity. And we have seen geographic connections to cities in Acts and the letters of the New Testament.

Even in the narrow scope of Paul’s second missionary journey, we connect 5 cities (and regions) to letters he wrote that make up the New Testament. Paul establishes churches in Galatia, Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, and Ephesus. He then follows up with those churches in letters to the people. In the letters he speaks of specific circumstances and events that are in Acts. They are connected! And the connections mean something. Paul suffers unjustly in Philippi and then writes, “rejoice in the Lord always.” (Phil. 4:4) It gives him tremendous credibility for us to know what he has already experienced. Paul preaches the Word of God in Thessalonica and then writes, “And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the Word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the Word of God, which is at work in you believers.” (1 Thess. 2:13) We are encouraged by this result!

I pray the connections that are made in the Bible encourage your soul. God has a design in life for his people. We see it in these connections in Acts and the New Testament letters. God also has a design in your life. That is how God works. That is who God is. Now we can rejoice in the Lord always!

Please take note of ways to gather for Sunday Service at The Rock:

1) We are meeting outside at Manhattan Beach Pre-School for our Sunday Service at 4:30 pm. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, masks and Bibles! For a complete copy of our guidelines for re-opening CLICK HERE.

2) We will also be live on Facebook Live (NOT ZOOM). If you don’t feel comfortable joining us in person, are feeling sick, or have been exposed to someone who is sick stay connected through this live-stream - CLICK HERE at 4:30 Sunday afternoon.

3) Finally we will provide a video link to the sermon. I will send out an email the week following with the sermon link attached.

“…These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also.” - Acts 17:6b

- Pastor Curt

Theological Word of The Week:


When used of God, the doctrine that God eternally gives of himself to others.

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Upcoming Events

Children's Ministry

Children can join Cameron every Sunday for Bible time during the service. They will go through the Bible story by story.

Sermon Topic - May 30

Acts: A Holy Spirit Inspired Legacy

Acts 17:1-9

“The World Turned Upside Down”

2020 Final