Give Thanks Always

Give Thanks Always

Often times the most important part of a discussion is how it begins. I pray that last week’s sermon that began the discussion of God’s plan for The Rock started us on a good note! I called on us to pray, listen to the Holy Spirit, and begin conversation with one another. I started the conversation by presenting three ways God has been speaking to us:

Rock Vision Update 2018 - Part II

Rock Vision Update 2018 - Part II

Often times the most important part of a discussion is how it begins. I pray that last week’s sermon that began the discussion of God’s plan for The Rock started us on a good note! I called on us to pray, listen to the Holy Spirit, and begin conversation with one another. I started the conversation by presenting three ways God has been speaking to us:

Rock Vision Update

Rock Vision Update

Peter often reminded the church of important doctrines, values, and mission. He knew that the church could forget what is most important in the midst of the busyness of life. We can all relate to the need to be reminded. This Sunday I will preach on what I perceive to be God’s vision for The Rock at this time.

Imitate God by Walking in Love

Imitate God by Walking in Love

Spiritual transformation is much more that simply behaving differently. We are called to renew our thinking and have an inner transformation of the soul. Check out this week’s blog and then stay on The Rock website to see how God is at work!

Special Guests

Special Guests

Lori and I are off on our trip celebrating a new season of life for us! While we are away The Rock will continue to worship on Sundays with some special guests. Check out this week’s blog and then stay on The Rock website to see how God is at work!

Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition

Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition

Spiritual transformation is much more that simply behaving differently. We are called to renew our thinking and have an inner transformation of the soul. Check out this week’s blog and then stay on The Rock website to see how God is at work!

Grow Up!

Grow Up!

Many of us have heard someone say to us, “grow up!” when we do childish things. The Bible calls us to “grow up!” in a real, tangible, and helpful way in our faith. Check out this week’s blog and then stay on The Rock website to see how God is at work!

Back to School Prayer

Back to School Prayer

CORRECTION - NEW BLOG FOR THIS WEEK. Last weeks blog was mistakenly sent out on Wed. of this week. We celebrated the Homes of Hope Mexico trip LAST WEEK. This week is another special service centering on “Back to School” prayer & worship Check out this week’s blog and then stay on The Rock website to see how God is at work!

The Joy of Service

The Joy of Service

Reports back from Mission trip teams are one of my favorite types of church services. We get to hear and see what God has done! Check out this week’s blog and then stay on The Rock website to see how God is at work!

Walk This Way

Walk This Way

The Christian walk is a New Testament way of saying, “live your daily life according to the Bible.” The final 3 chapters of Ephesians focus on our walk in Jesus. Check out this week’s blog and then stay on The Rock website to see how God is at work!

The Mystery of the Church

The Mystery of the Church

The church is a mystery to many around the world. The Apostle Paul addresses this mystery in a radical and surprising way. Check out this week’s blog and then stay on The Rock website to see how God is at work!

Family Goodbyes

Family Goodbyes

The Rock will send and commission the Lucas’ for ministry in Spain this Sunday. Check out this week’s blog and stay on The Rock website to see how God is at work!

Send Them Off In Love

Send Them Off In Love

There are two amazing ways God is at work in the next two weeks! First, a team from The Rock will travel to Mexico to build five homes for people. Second, The Rock will send and commission the Lucas’ for ministry in Spain. Check out this week’s blog and stay on The Rock website to see how God is at work!

Civility Under Fire

Civility Under Fire

I was recently involved in a discussion about the political climate in our country where the fighting between parties has come to the point where people are being publicly shamed for their beliefs. My answer and comments were as follows:

From Racism... To Walls... To Peace

From Racism... To Walls... To Peace

I'm always amazed when people say the Bible is not practical and/or applicable for modern living. The more I study, the more I'm blown away with God's wisdom in revealing to us our human condition and the state of our souls.

Jets for Jesus?

Jets for Jesus?

This past week USA Today ran a story where televangelist Jesse Duplantis tells his flock he needs a $54 million jet (USA Today Story). In an email between friends I responded. Below is the exact text - it is in a moment of rawness over this article that I responded. I feel exactly the same way right now.