Humans love the sensational. That is why news outlets air car wrecks, murders, and fighting celebrities rather than people feeding the homeless, neighbors helping one another, and parents patiently raising their children. Christians can fall into the same trap in our faith.

Christians (and unbelievers) are drawn to Christian celebrities who fall from grace, extreme political positions of a minority of believers, unkind depictions of churches holding to the truth of the Bible, and cartoonish characterizations of solid believers concerned with the direction society is headed. Humans love the sensational.

This is why we need to remind one another of the beauty and inspiration that comes from believers who serve God in relative obscurity. Pastor John Starke reminded me recently; “I wish I could get the world to see the folks serving the poor, teaching Bible classes to the homeless, fighting unjust incarcarations, babysitting for single moms so they can work, giving up wealth to be a surgeon for 3rd world communities.” What a great reminder that much (most) gets done in secret. In obscurity. Behind closed doors. Away from the cameras.

May we be a people at The Rock that don’t work to be seen by others, but serve God with all of our hearts daily with no one looking. Ironically, this is what the world sees as more powerful, more lovely, and more authentic than preachers parading around on TV in $2,000 sneakers gaining fame and attention. Let’s do the work of Jesus. Pray for one another. Encourage on another. Serve one another. Bear one another’s burdens. This is beautiful and holy.

Please take note of ways to gather for Sunday Service at The Rock:

1) We are meeting outside at Manhattan Beach Pre-School for our Sunday Service at 3:30 pm. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, masks and Bibles! For a complete copy of our guidelines for re-opening CLICK HERE.

2) We will also be live on Facebook Live (NOT ZOOM). If you don’t feel comfortable joining us in person, are feeling sick, or have been exposed to someone who is sick stay connected through this live-stream - CLICK HERE at 3:30 Sunday afternoon.

3) Finally we will provide a video link to the sermon. I will send out an email the week following with the sermon link attached.

“Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God” - Acts 15:19

- Pastor Curt

Theological Word of The Week:


Another term for God’s truthfulness.

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Upcoming Events

Children's Ministry

We are providing live Sunday School!

Here is the plan: Children will be with their parents for the singing portion of the service. Children will be dismissed after singing to meet with Cameron and Courtney outside near the playground outside of the auditorium. Cameron will plan a short lesson, have a group activity, and supervise some free play. At the end of the service, Cameron will walk the children back to where we meet. This is 100% voluntary for parents. Your children are also welcome to be with you during the service. We believe this can be done in a safe and organized way. All activities will be outside. Every child will be encouraged to keep their masks on. We will do the best we can to encourage distance.


Sermon Topic - March 7

Acts: A Holy Spirit Inspired Legacy

Acts 15:6-21

“Solutions: Church of One Mind”

2020 Final