I love a good plan. Actually, I love any plan I make. I add the clarification because once I make a plan in my mind I have a hard time changing and deviating from my original plan. My plan may be threatened by another person’s opinion. Or the timing of my plan does not work. Or the cost turns out to be prohibitive. The most likely reason my plan needs to change is that it simply was not a good plan from the beginning. I get frustrated with changed plans and tend to need a little time to regroup. Why is this?
I believe that it is so hard to let go of my plans because of pride. When I make plans I tend to need to be right and in control. If this is true when I make plans regarding projects, trips, meal prep, etc., then it is also true when my plans involve things that are not pleasing to God. Plans that are against God’s holy commands. Or even plans that focus on me and do not include God in any way. Plans that leave God out. Plans that are not pleasing to God will ultimately be corrected by God. Because of God’s grace and mercy we are protected and led in a different direction.
This week in Genesis we see how human plans go wrong. Plans made in pride and self-rule are seen by God and corrected by God. We can grow and learn from others in order to protect ourselves from frustration and failure. Let’s join together to hear from God about His greatness and power!
"Then they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.’" - Genesis 11:4
- Pastor Curt
Theological Word of the Week:
God’s exercise of power over His creation.
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology
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Children's Ministry
This week Rock Kids will be digging into the story of Jesus healing a man's deformed hand, found in Mark 3:1-6. The kids will learn the Bible point "Jesus is bold, so we're bold." Bold faith can be hard for kids. Being bold about their beliefs may cause them to be teased or rejected. We want to help kids see that when we're bold about loving others, we reflect Jesus' heart!
Sermon Topic - January 19
Genesis: Beginnings
Genesis 11:1-9
“Plans Gone Wrong”
October 2019 YTD