Easter Sunday Service @ 9:00 am

Today is traditionally referred to as Good Friday. The day Jesus is taken to a criminal’s cross and killed. Jesus is then buried in a borrowed tomb guarded by Roman soldiers. It is a day of tragedy, suffering, death, and mourning. So why is this Friday good? Certainly not because of the unjust trial, conviction, and death sentence. Of course not because of the mental anguish and suffering of Jesus. And in the eyes of Jesus’s family, friends, and followers that Friday was horrific. But this Friday changed the course of human history. This was no ordinary death. The death of Jesus ultimately leads to life. This death foreshadows resurrection. THE resurrection of Jesus and all future resurrections of Christians! So this Friday is ultimately good.

But we mourn as well. We feel the pain and loss that the disciples felt. We feel the confusion and personal questioning of following Jesus. We must. We must in order to truly feel the joy and celebration of the resurrection. Jesus is alive! Jesus has overcome sin and death! Jesus is the victorious vindicator! Jesus in the hero of all sinners in need of grace! Jesus is the redeemer of our lost souls! Jesus is our life!

Come to The Rock this Sunday to celebrate. We celebrate by singing songs of praise and thanksgiving. We celebrate by hearing God’s Word. We celebrate by praying prayers of victory. We celebrate by visiting with one another (with coffee and donuts in hand!!!). We celebrate with great joy, peace, and hope. Come at 8:45 am this Sunday for coffee and donuts. We then worship with all of our hearts, souls, and minds at 9:00 am!

“Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.” - John 14:19

- Pastor Curt

Please take note of ways to gather for Sunday Service at The Rock:

1) We are meeting outside at Manhattan Beach Pre-School for our Sunday Service at 4:30 pm. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and Bibles!

2) We will also be live on Facebook Live. If you don’t feel comfortable joining us in person, are feeling sick, or have been exposed to someone who is sick stay connected through this live-stream - CLICK HERE at 4:30 Sunday afternoon.

3) Finally we will provide a video link to the sermon on our website.

Theological Word of The Week:


A rising from the dead into a new kind of life not subject to sickness, aging, deterioration, or death.

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Upcoming Events

Children's Ministry

Children can join Cameron every Sunday for Bible time during the service. They will go through the Bible story by story.

Sermon Topic - April 17

Easter Sunday

I Peter 1:3-9

“Resurrection Changes Everything”

A21-M22 Fiscal YTD