This Sunday marks the beginning of Easter week!

Palm Sunday represents the day Jesus entered Jerusalem the final week of his earthly life. We will celebrate Jesus entering into Jerusalem by waving palms and singing songs of joy. That same Sunday we will read from the Bible as a church and sing songs of joy, lament, and hope. We will walk through the week in readings and song, feeling emotions as Jesus and the disciples must have. We will culminate the service with a reading of Jesus’s burial and communion leaving the taste in our mouths of Jesus in the grave.

This sets us up beautifully for Easter the following Sunday! We will experience the deepest of sorrows leading the pinnacle of joys! I pray you will fully engage this Easter week in one of the most important holy weeks on the church calendar.

“And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” - Matthew 21:9

- Pastor Curt

Please take note of ways to gather for Sunday Service at The Rock:

1) We are meeting outside at Manhattan Beach Pre-School for our Sunday Service at 4:30 pm. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and Bibles!

2) We will also be live on Facebook Live. If you don’t feel comfortable joining us in person, are feeling sick, or have been exposed to someone who is sick stay connected through this live-stream - CLICK HERE at 4:30 Sunday afternoon.

3) Finally we will provide a video link to the sermon on our website.

Theological Word of The Week:

Son of Man

The term by which Jesus referred to himself most often, which had an Old Testament background, especially in the heavenly figure who was given eternal rule over the world in the vision in Daniel 7:13.

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Upcoming Events

Children's Ministry

Children can join Cameron every Sunday for Bible time during the service. They will go through the Bible story by story.

Sermon Topic - April 10

Palm Sunday

Matthew 21:8-11

“Hosanna in the Highest”

A21-M22 Fiscal YTD