This Saturday (Feb. 2) is our annual Super Saturday Service! Our weekly worship service will be a regular service, but on Saturday night. This is a great opportunity to invite people to worship with us before the big game. I’ve put together a Top Ten List counting down why everyone should be there this Saturday night:
10) Curt will tell the promised story involving Joliet Stateside Prison, Paul Duncan, and the Evangelical Covenant Church!
9) Hear God’s Word about Mission from John 20:19-22!
8) Paul returns from vacation to lead music!
7) Experience our ongoing, awesome children’s program!
6) Have an opportunity to sing with all of our hearts to God!
5) Curt & Heather have a surprise during communion!
4) Learn how The Blues Brothers and The Rock are similar!
3) Find out how missiles relate to how we love our neighbors!
2) Share a communion dinner after church at Round Table Pizza (2701 S Sepulveda Blvd., Hermosa Beach)!
1) The joy of gathering with fellow believers!
"Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.’" - John 20:21
- Pastor Curt
Theological Word of the Week:
The doctrine that God is separate from all confusion and disorder in his being and in his actions, yet he is continually active in innumerable well-ordered, fully controlled, simultaneous actions.
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology
Upcoming Events
Children's Ministry
This week Rock Kids will be in the service for Family Worship Weekend. We will have packets for them to pick up as they come in. The packets have coloring & activity pages, crayons, markers, pens and pencils. It also contains a snack. At the end of the service the kids can take their coloring & activity pages, and return the packet to the box where they got it from.
Sermon Topic - February 2
Super Saturday Service
John 20:19-22
“The Rock on Mission”
2018 Final Giving