It is human nature to focus on our own activities, relationships, and personal problems. It takes an intentional effort to look outside of ourselves and consider the lives of others. Jesus calls us to not only look to our own interests, but consider the world around us. We are called to have a heart for those in our neighborhoods, our city, our nation, and the world beyond our borders. This is a powerful call to love our neighbor, whoever that may be.
Jesus calls the universal church to address these issues. The Rock is a small part of a much greater work of God in reaching a lost world through His love, mercy, grace, and power. We, at The Rock, lock arms with other churches in the South Bay (through South Bay Pastor’s Network and other ways we join with other churches), the city of Los Angeles (through our partnership with The Harbor Covenant Church and others), our nation (through the Evangelical Covenant Church denomination), and the world (through the ECC and various other mission endeavors).
May each of us look outside of ourselves! It is good for our souls. It is obedient to God’s plan. It is serving and loving our neighbor. And it is a way to worship the God who has rescued each of us!
"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.’" - Ephesians 2:4
- Pastor Curt
Theological Word of the Week:
A class of created spiritual beings that are said to continually worship God.
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology
Upcoming Events
Children's Ministry
This week Rock Kids will be digging into the story of Jesus receiving worship from a woman, found in Matthew 26:6-13. The kids will learn the Bible point "Jesus appreciates our love." Kids don't usually have a lot of money to spend on gifts, but you can tell when a gift really comes from a child's heart. A picture a child colored for their parents, specifically using their parents' favorite colors. A handmade necklace. These gifts from the heart are an outpouring of kids' love. We want to help kids see that Jesus appreciates acts of love from our hearts.
Sermon Topic - February 10
Pastor Israel Solomon
Passages in Genesis & Exodus
2018 Final Giving