When I have to wait I often become impatient. And if I’m really honest with myself, I become very unproductive. I’m impressed with people who can multi-task and get things done while waiting. The businessperson who is typing away on their laptop waiting for the plane. The parent who is planning their next day while waiting for carpool pick-up. The student who is reading in line for their coffee. I think of these activities as “active waiting.”

What about waiting on God to act in your life?

Active waiting could be the most important in these God directed times of waiting. Waiting for news about the new job. Waiting for the test results. Waiting for a loved one to respond to a heart-felt letter. Waiting for any and all of our prayer requests. Active waiting in these situations involves living the Christian life with all of our hearts while we wait for God to answer and act. We pray. We study God’s Word. We obey. We come together as community. We get the tasks done that we can get done before God comes.

We can learn from the early church community. Jesus has told them to wait for the coming Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. At the end of Acts 1 we see 120 Jesus followers actively waiting. It is inspiring. It shows the hearts of the people who are waiting. Let’s learn and grow from them this Sunday as we continue in Acts.

"All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer…” - Acts 1:14a

- Pastor Curt

Theological Word of the Week:


An act of God whereby he makes us members of his family.

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

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Children's Ministry

This week Rock Kids will be digging into the story of God caring for Birds, found in Matthew 10:29-31. The kids will learn the Bible point "God cares about our details, so we care about others." Most kids know that God cares for them in general, but they may be surprised to hear that God cares about the details of their lives. We want to help kids take comfort in the fact that no worry or prayer is too small for God. He cares about the details! So we should care about others, no matter who they are.


Sermon Topic - March 1

Acts: A Holy Spirit Given Legacy

Acts 1:12-26

“Active Waiting”

2020 YTD