Running out of gas is one of the more unsettling things that can happen. Of course, running out of gas in your car can leave you on the side of the road and stranded. It is dangerous, debilitating, and even reckless. Another way I have “run out of gas” is when I ran the LA marathon. Lori and my Dad (and Brett as an infant!) were cheering me on at about mile 14. It was rainy, my knees hurt, and I was flat out of gas. I wanted to stop. If not for the encouragement I received, I would have been finished. We can run out of gas spiritually as well…

Running out of gas (or never having gas in our tank in the first place) happens when we rely on ourselves to power us. We think we can be spiritually alive and thriving using our own resources of self-reliance and self-rule. These things will never fill us up. We will always be empty, stuck and debilitated. It is dangerous and reckless for our souls.

What truly fills us up according to the Bible is God the Holy Spirit. We see a general filling in the Old Testament. Jesus tells us how we will be filled with the Holy Spirit in the Gospels. In Acts we will see the Holy Spirit filling the Apostles and early church in a new, unique, and powerful way. It is absolutely life-changing. This Sunday at The Rock we will explore the first filling of the Holy Spirit in the early church and discover how we can be filled by God the Holy Spirit in our lives to be powered and equipped for life!

"And they were all filed with the Holy Spirit…” - Acts 2:4a

- Pastor Curt

Theological Word of the Week:

Holy Spirit

One of the three persons of the Trinity whose work it is to manifest the active presence of God in the world, and especially in the church.

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology

Upcoming Events

Children's Ministry

This week Rock Kids will be digging into the story of Jesus healing a deaf man, found in Mark 7:31-37. The kids will learn the Bible point "Jesus is wonderful, so we expect good things from Him." Kids who’ve grown up in church may be so used to stories of Jesus healing people that they’ve lost the sense of how wonderful Jesus’ miracles really are. We want to help kids recapture their sense of wonder about how amazing Jesus is.


Sermon Topic - March 8

Acts: A Holy Spirit Given Legacy

Acts 2:1-13

“The Arrival”

2020 YTD