A Gospel For All

A Gospel For All


In_clu_sion - noun - “the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who have physical or mental disabilities and members of other minority groups.”

We live in a era where people are grappling with the concept of inclusion. What does it mean? How far should it go? Is it meant for me? These are actually questions that span all eras of human history. God has been teaching the human race how to include others throughout history. One major point of inclusion comes in the book of Acts. Are Gentiles to be included in the early church? Or was Christianity a Jewish thing?

A Gospel For All

A Gospel For All


In_clu_sion - noun - “the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those who have physical or mental disabilities and members of other minority groups.”

We live in a era where people are grappling with the concept of inclusion. What does it mean? How far should it go? Is it meant for me? These are actually questions that span all eras of human history. God has been teaching the human race how to include others throughout history. One major point of inclusion comes in the book of Acts. Are Gentiles to be included in the early church? Or was Christianity a Jewish thing?

Clean Foods

Clean Foods

Eating clean is a modern desire to eat foods that are natural, unrefined and unprocessed. The goal is to be heathy and natural. People put a lot of thought and energy into getting back to what once was the only way to eat! The Bible has its own form of clean eating. In the Old Testament clean eating meant obeying the dietary guidelines set forth in Leviticus. It was not about health, but about loyalty to God as His separated people. In the New Testament, Jesus changed everything. Jesus declared all foods clean! (Mark 7:19) Then God showed Peter a vision in Acts 10 emphasizing that all foods are clean! Why the change?

Ch...Ch... Changes

Ch...Ch... Changes

Change is hard. It is never impossible with God’s help, but hard. Usually change and growth in our lives include gaining knowledge, adjusting thinking, rearranging lifestyle choices, and trusting God to take control of our lives. If this sounds easy, you are in the minority! How can we prepare for this kind of change in our lives?

Jesus 2020

Jesus 2020

The presidential election is less than 5 weeks away. We are flooded with articles, debates, social media posts, and personal conversations. Some say, “I love it! I’m all in for the excitement and drama.” Other say, “I’m done. I can't wait for this to be over.” Maybe you’ve said both! It is easy to be swept away in the rhetoric no matter how you are interacting with politics right now. It is consuming. It is relentless. But there are some helpful principles in which the Christian is reminded of their responsibilities as believers:

The Rock Social Media

The Rock Social Media

Social Media is tricky. On the one hand, we see the destruction it brings with addictions, destruction of self-worth, and flat out meanness. On the other hand, social media can be used for the good in shedding light on issues that need to be brought to light, helping people in need, and getting Christian truth out to a broader audience that the local church. It is time for The Rock to wholeheartedly enter into the social media world for God’s glory, to help communicate as a church, and to spread God’s love to more people. Here are some specific action items for ALL of us:

Life Flipped Upside-Down

Life Flipped Upside-Down

One of my favorite emojis is the “mind-blown” face. It expresses how we feel in an expressive and accurate way! If Saul (the Apostle Paul) had emojis in Acts 9:1-19, this is the one he would have used (trust me - I’ve studied this one). His life was flipped upside-down. What he once thought was absolute, rock-solid truth - that Jesus and his followers were imposters - was in an instant proven false. In fact, what Saul dedicated his life to eliminating (The Christian Faith) was now his only option to follow! Mind-Blown!!!

Witness: A Heroes Guide

Witness: A Heroes Guide

Who do you think of if someone were to ask you, “Who is the greatest example of evangelism in history?” Maybe Billy Graham. Or someone from the Bible like Paul, Peter, or John - the big three. Those would be great examples! This Sunday our Acts passage focuses on one of the greatest evangelists ever - Philip. He would not be on most of our short lists, but his role in Acts is huge for evangelism. In fact, his nickname is “Philip the Evangelist.” (Acts 21:8) Philip is one of the great heroes of evangelism - or as Acts calls it, witness.

Serving Neighbor in Pandemic

Serving Neighbor in Pandemic

Everyone misses pre-pandemic activities. Family gatherings. Dinner out with friends. Concerts. Ball games. One of the things I miss is loving our neighbors through service. I miss Family Promise. I miss Homes of Hope. I look forward to serving together in these activities again. We do have a new opportunity to serve our neighbors in a tangible way. The Los Angeles Food Bank is distributing food to 8,000 families this coming Wednesday, Sept. 9 at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood. Lori and I are going. I pray some of you will be able to join us.

Modern Problems Meet Ancient Solutions

Modern Problems Meet Ancient Solutions

We are bombarded with information. Think about the opportunities you have during any week to read articles, look at social media posts, watch TV programing, and talk with people about anything and everything. If we added up all the time each week that we give to receiving information it makes for a firehose from a hydrant stream. It is hard to take it all in. And if we compare the hour we gather as a church to the amount of time given to other sources it is severely weighted toward non-church service information.

Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture

At the risk of sounding old, I’m taken aback at the dizzying pace the modern world of internet, social media, and various online platforms moves. We have always evaluated, analyzed and judged people’s motives, opinions, and actions in our lives. But now, it seems to happen instantaneously and more widespread. With one tweet or quote you can be cancelled. In fact, there is a name for this - cancel culture.



Humans do what they desire to do. This is a profound statement. It is also an obvious statement. Figure out your desires and that is how you tend to live out your life. If you desire happiness, you will tend to try and figure out what makes you happy - and do it. If you desire control over life, you will tend to try and figure out how you can control people, circumstances, and surroundings - and do it. If you desire power, you will work to put yourself in situations you can exercise authority over others - and do it. You get it.

When Religious People Are Wrong

When Religious People Are Wrong

I hate being wrong. It is embarrassing. It is humbling. It is, at times, defeating. It is also normal. I am fooling myself if my expectation is that I am always right. And I am being prideful if I am not willing to admit I am wrong and change. In fact, the Bible has a specific word for turning from error (being wrong) to truth (being right) - repentance. As Christians, we are called to be a people who repent. Who are humble enough to change when we are wrong.



Peace… True peace. What a wonderful sounding concept right now! In a confusing, divided, and quarreling world we desperately need peace. I look forward to Heather Buchta preaching this Sunday about the peace of God. True peace. We need to hear it. We need to live it. We need to pass it on.

Unity is Not Uniformity

Unity is Not Uniformity

The beauty of the church is that we are unified in Jesus, but are wonderfully differently created as individuals in God’s image. The Rock and The Harbor are two very different churches when it comes to age, background, race, and even style. But we are forever united and unified in Jesus Christ! This Sunday I will interview Pastor Israel from The Harbor.

Lifter of Our Heads

Lifter of Our Heads

I’ve seen the memes. I’ve joked about it. I’ve laughed. I’ve cried. I’ve cursed 2020! I imagine you have also. As I grieved out loud (which is often Christian code for complaining!) last week during our prayer meeting, I was reminded of an important truth. I was reminded that God is at work. I was reminded that God uses suffering to grow us spiritually. I was reminded that there is purpose behind pain. I was reminded that God is at work even in the train wreck that is 2020!

The Early Church Was Extraordinary, But Not Perfect

The Early Church Was Extraordinary, But Not Perfect

I love it when people are real and authentic. It is refreshing to just know someone for who they really are. No pretense. No hypocrisy. No acting. This is probably why I love the book of Acts so much. Acts presents the early church realistically. Led powerfully and extraordinarily by the Holy Spirit - Yes. Perfect - No.

A Call to Pray

A Call to Pray

This week’s email is devoted to prayer. I am calling us to pray today for the following:

Hypocrisy in the Church

Hypocrisy in the Church

Most of us have heard some form of the argument against God that “the church is full of hypocrites.” It is a good argument because it is often true. Don’t be offended - it is true of all humanity at some level. To live a life where we act in ways that always reflects our words is unrealistic. We are bound to fail due to the pull of sin on our lives. One couple once told the great British preacher Charles Spurgeon that they were leaving his church because they were going to find a perfect church. Spurgeon responded; “When you find it, please don’t join it, because you’ll ruin it!” Ouch.



Division among people is heartbreaking. We see devision in our nation - it seems any problem is now divided among party lines. We see division in families - it is tragic when families break up when they can’t solve their problems. We see division in the workplace and schools - many issues are made worse when people take sides and work against each other. And tragically there is division among Christians - when followers of Jesus divide over the same issues as the world divides over it is devastating.